Cat Tutor

Silvercreek Realty Group

Weekly Newsletter

 The Cat’s Meow

Weekly Newsletter 3/1/2017

Low Inventory


Photo Credit, Caitriana Tutor

The Real Estate market is very interesting right now here in Ada and Canyon County. We are experiencing low inventory in homes on the market and still plenty of buyers. According to Boise Regional Realtors and Idaho Statesman, “A shortage of existing homes — as opposed to newly constructed homes — drove the shortage. In both Ada and Canyon counties, existing home inventory in December was more than 26 percent less than the same month in 2015.” It makes it difficult to satisfy buyers with a low inventory of homes to choose from. This shortage of homes gives sellers the upper hand. Realtors are seeing multiple offer situations and existing homes are not staying on the market for very long. Many prospective home owners are waiting till spring to put their home on the market, but as soon as we get more homes the competition will spread out and we will see a good balance within the real estate market. This winter here in Boise Idaho has certainly been an eye opener to people who have the goal of home ownership. There focus has moved from browsing homes to shoveling driveways and pulling stuck cars out of subdivisions. As the weather warms up, we will see more people come out of hibernation and put more focus on their 2017 goals.  

Cat Tutor



Relocation is always a difficult decision and especially when you have to make that decision for your entire family. You often wonder if you’re making a justified decision and just want the confirmation to know this will be a good overall move. I was under this same stress just 6 years ago, when I moved my family to Boise, Idaho. My husband and I took my children away from the only home they knew; to build a new life together in Idaho and I just had to believe in the power of our decision. When we visited Boise, Idaho I fell in love with the beauty of our city and the lush, clean neighborhoods Boise had to offer. After walking through the different schools and seeing the resources that the Meridian and Boise School Districts offered comparable to where we resided, I dropped to tears because I just knew we could grow a better life and be faced with positive opportunities for our entire family. When deciding if the relocation will be good for your family, my advice to you is, if it feels right, it is and believe in your decision. Moving my family to Boise, Idaho was the best decision I have ever made and my family has grown stronger because of it.

Cat Tutor

Recipe and Cartoon Time


 This lovely cold season has brought many sniffles, coughs and a-chu’s to people’s lives. Here is a yummy drink to help remedy your ills…